Trauma and Orthopaedic
Date Updated: 23 May 2024

Fractures that occurred outside NI


This service allows GPs to refer patients who have fallen/have a potential fracture which took place outside of Northern Ireland that needs to be seen and reviewed to the Musculoskeletal clinic.

Referral Criteria

Any patient that has sustained fractures outside of Northern Ireland and needing fracture review/care.

GPs Please advise patients who have sustained a potential fracture outside of Northern Ireland they will need to leave their X-ray results with the radiology department in order for X-Rays to be uploaded onto NIPACS.

Service Access

The following list of referrers can access this service via CCG:

  • GPs

Access Times

Monday - Friday:                 

9.00am - 3.30pm  



028 3756 6471

Fracture Clinic  Sisters Office 

028 3756 0884

Fracture Clinic Reception 

028 3756 6852

Craigavon Area Hospital

3-4 days