Speech and Language
Date Updated: 08 Jan 2025

Speech and Language Therapy - Adult


The community SLT service provides input to people in clinic setting where someone can attend and if unable to travel, appointments are provided in their own home / care home.

This is to provide clinical assessment and input for communication and or swallowing needs.

The service operates a patient/ self-initiated review process whereby people/ carers/ families can contact clinicians directly for further SLT input at a time when they identify it is required following discharge or during their journey.

Referral Criteria

Adults aged over 18 with communication and or eating, drinking, and swallowing difficulty.

The more relevant clinical information provided on the referral form will ensure adequate and appropriate triage outcomes. 

If a referral is deemed urgent, please phone the local clinic base for discussion as well as completing the referral on CCG.

Exclusion criteria:

  • Clients with no identified SLT clinical need
  • Adults with a hearing impairment
  • Clients presenting with communication impairments directly related to mental health.
  • Adults referred for communication therapy with a confirmed diagnosis of Dementia.
  • Autistic adults with associated language disorder – unless this is associated with Adult Learning Disability in which case the person will be seen by ALD Services.
  • Adults with Developmental Language Disorder.

Referrals are triage by SLT clinical staff and deemed urgent or routine and also if person is able to attend clinic facility or requiring domiciliary appointment.

Service Access

There is open referral process to access adult community SLT. 

GPs should continue to refer through CCG and send to ahp.cbu@southerntrust.hscni.net

Any phone queries should go to the local clinic numbers provided.

Access Times

Monday – Friday 8:30am - 4:30pm

Excluding Bank and Public holidays


Contact numbers for office bases are:

A&D base - South Tyrone Hospital:   

028 3756 5744

C&B base - Gilford Health Centre:   

028 3756 3833

N&M base - Daisy Hill Hospital:       

028 37565958

Please note if voicemail is left it may take a few days to respond to these messages as not all offices are staffed each day.

Service is provided Trust wide from bases in each locality.

Urgent referrals to be seen within 10 working days. Routine referrals within 13 weeks