The MSK service provides patients with comprehensive assessment, diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation of various musculoskeletal conditions including fractures, soft tissue injuries, persistent pain, rheumatologically conditions, orthopaedic conditions and cervicogenic headaches.
The MSK service also provides adjuncts to treatment within the specialist services which may be appropriate following assessment including aquatic therapy, peripheral joint injection therapy, conditioning/rehabilitation classes, the antigravity treadmill, shockwave therapy and bone health awareness sessions.
MSK advanced physiotherapy practitioners also deliver a specialist service in the Lower Limb Physiotherapy Podiatry Clinic, Physiotherapy Headache Service, Fracture Clinic, Minor Injuries stream in ED The MSK and the “Over to You” service.
All referrals are triaged by advanced physiotherapy practitioners to ascertain their suitability for the service before being allocated to the appropriate waiting list
Monday to Friday 8:00am – 4:30pm
Excluding Bank Holidays
Craigavon Hospital:
028 3756 3025
Daisy Hill Hospital:
028 3756 2935
South Tyrone Hospital:
028 3756 5545
Lurgan Hospital:
028 3756 6018
Clover Building Armagh:
028 3756 5274
Banbridge Health Centre:
028 4062 1602
Kilkeel Primary Care Centre:
028 3756 5726