Mental Health and Wellbeing
Date Updated: 15 May 2024

Mental Health Crisis Response/Home Treatment Service


Crisis Response/Home Treatment service is a 24 hours/7 days a week service, for referrals of individuals in acute mental health crisis or people with mental health illness that would otherwise be in hospital.

Referral Criteria

Patient/client should be over 18 and have been assessed by their GP / key worker or other referral agent within the previous 24 hours.

Exclusions Dementia services, under 18`s, those people not medically fit. Any necessary physical investigations to be undertaken to rule out any physical cause for presentation, prior to referral.

Service Access

The following list of referrers can access this service by calling the telephone number during the access times listed:

  • GP
  • Trust Consultant
  • Health Care Professional

Access Times

24 Hours a Day/7 Days a week


Armagh & Dungannon: 028 3741 4501

Craigavon & Banbridge: 028 3831 1722

Newry & Mourne: 028 3025 7984


2 Hours from Telephone