Mental Health and Wellbeing
Date Updated: 30 Jan 2025

Condition Management Programme (CMP)


The Condition Management Programme helps individuals to manage their health condition and encourages them to progress towards, move into and stay in employment. The service is delivered by healthcare professionals, including occupational therapists, physiotherapists, dieticians and mental health nurses.

CMP gives support and advice to help clients manage conditions including: arthritic complaints, back and neck problems, chronic fatigue, depression, pain, stress, heart, circulatory and respiratory disorders.

CMP can last for up to 12 sessions and assists individuals to better understand their condition, improve day to day functioning, increase their confidence and improve the prospects of returning to work or staying in work.

CMP practitioners offer advice, education and support in dealing with:

  • dealing with stress, anxiety, low mood and depression
  • coping with pain and fatigue
  • relaxation techniques
  • communicating with confidence
  • developing a healthier lifestyle
  • exploring potential options that will help progress towards employment or help make a successful return to work
Referral Criteria

CMP offers a flexible, work focused programme of support and advice to individuals who have health related barriers to work.

CMP is for those who:

  • Are in work but are struggling to stay in work due to their ongoing health issues and would benefit from support
  • Have been off work for up to 12 weeks
  • Are on benefits and not working at present. Eligible benefits include: Employment & Support Allowance (ESA), Jobseekers Allowance (JSA), Income Support (IS), Carers Allowance (CA), Personal Independence Payment (PIP), Universal Credit (UC)
  • Are engaging in another Department for Communities programme e.g. Workable (NI) or Access to work (NI)

CMP may not be the right service if the individual is currently engaging in an active treatment programme, about to have surgery or involved in a litigation/grievance process.

There is an expectation of regular attendance and active participation.

Service Access

Referrals accepted form GP via CCG.

Health Care practitioners and self-referral may refer using referral form CMP 1 - Referral Form emailed to

Telephone 028 3751 7173 (Mon - Fri 9am - 5pm).

Consent must be sought from service user to make referral.

Appointments can be offered via digital platform, telephone or in person in Southern Trust Premises.

Associated Document
Associated Document
Access Times

Monday – Friday 9:00am - 5:00pm

Excluding Bank and Public holidays


Service is offered Trust wide & can be provided face to face, via telephone or through digital platform.

Service users will receive a welcome text within 24 hours of referral, followed by a brief telephone assessment to ensure suitability within 5 working days and engagement with service within 30 working days.