All criteria must apply
- Less than 45 years old
- Incidence of osteoarthritis, which is a relative contra indication to arthroscopic treatment, rises sharply over the age of 45
- Clear history of trauma or twisting injury with immediate swelling
- Associated with ligamentous disruption and/or displaced/unstable meniscal tear
- Knee pain impairing ability to work or participate in sport, feeling of instability or intermittent locking
- Non resolution of symptoms at 6 weeks.
- Minor injuries which do not require intervention are likely to respond to conservative treatment in this time period
- Fixed locked knee
- Emergency department referral for orthopaedic assessment required
- Not medically fit to be considered for surgery
- MRI not possible
- MRI contraindicated as per safety questionnaire
- Weight > 250kg (table limit)
Further details on pathway Document
All patients must have a radiograph of the knee prior to referral
- To assess for fracture, ossified intra articular body, osteochondral lesion or tumour
- Post injury
- Not more than 1 year prior to MRI request
Routine e-referral with a completed MRI safety questionnaire
- Waiting time as per current routine examination
- Queries regarding a request or safety questionnaire - please call 028 3756 3795
or General Enquiries - 028 3756 1925
- All referrals will be vetted by a Consultant Radiologist